Thursday, February 27, 2025

Ashore in Coco Cay

 Good morning,

Today's images are from Catherine while she was ashore in Coco Cay, Bahamas.  Above is a sand sculpture that is quite a work of art.

 Two RCCL ships were in port this day:  Utopia of the Seas (left) and Liberty of the Seas.

Back when Kjell and I were at sea before his retirement, there was no dock at Coco Cay so the only way to get ashore was tendering. My have things changed!

 The balloon ride is new, too!

We remember when there was nothing in this cove but a beach and short chairs you could put in the surf to relax and enjoy the water and view.  

What a lovely place for a wedding!

Things have certainly changed in Coco Cay!  Yes, many more people ashore each day, but there is so much more to do, too.

All the best,


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