Friday, February 28, 2025

All Tied Up in Coco Cay, Bahamas

 Good morning,

Here's Liberty of the Seas all tied up in Coco Cay, Bahamas. 

We lived on Liberty's sister ship, Freedom of the Seas for six years before Kjell's retirement from Royal Caribbean.  It's interesting to see the slides at the top of the ship.  Those have been added since these ships have been launched.  

No, we've never used the slides.  ;)  But, I'm sure there are those who enjoy them or they wouldn't be there.

All the best,


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Ashore in Coco Cay

 Good morning,

Today's images are from Catherine while she was ashore in Coco Cay, Bahamas.  Above is a sand sculpture that is quite a work of art.

 Two RCCL ships were in port this day:  Utopia of the Seas (left) and Liberty of the Seas.

Back when Kjell and I were at sea before his retirement, there was no dock at Coco Cay so the only way to get ashore was tendering. My have things changed!

 The balloon ride is new, too!

We remember when there was nothing in this cove but a beach and short chairs you could put in the surf to relax and enjoy the water and view.  

What a lovely place for a wedding!

Things have certainly changed in Coco Cay!  Yes, many more people ashore each day, but there is so much more to do, too.

All the best,


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Cruise Ship Canyon

 Good morning,

Today's images are from Catherine taken from her balcony aboard Liberty of the Seas.

 Liberty is along side Utopia of the Seas in Coco Cay, Bahamas.  Coco Cay is Royal Caribbean's private island.

The "Cruise Ship Canyon" formed by the two ships is quite an experience as sound bounces back and forth between the ships.  It's not a good day to nap in the nude on your balcony, either....  



Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Ashore in Nassau, Bahamas

 Good morning,

My posts are back in cruise mode again.  These images are from Catherine's cruise aboard Liberty of the Seas.

 She said there were so many ships in port that shore side was more crowded than she had ever seen it before.

 Ah, a cruise for your Valentine?

 If you can read the sign, it's a bar for husbands while wives shop.  Cute....

Catherine knew I would enjoy seeing this.  These are crocheted items for sale.  I wonder if they were made in the Bahamas or elsewhere.

Yes, the cruise continues.  It is fun to see warm places right now while it is so cold at home.



Monday, February 24, 2025

Roses in the Sun

 Good morning,

These rose are just gorgeous in the morning sun in our dining room.

So very pretty!



Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Good morning,

It's so cold outside that snoozing on the couch is the favorite activity these days.

That's Wendy on the left and Elsa on the right.  

Happy Snooze Time!



Saturday, February 22, 2025

Here We Go Again - More Snow!

 Good morning,

Every morning we wake up to more snow.  The weather alerts just don't mean much any more because we know there will be more snow.

Actually, it was much deeper than in this image the last time I looked.

Oh, Spring!  Where are you!


Friday, February 21, 2025

Needlework and Wood Working Update - February, 2025

 Good morning,

Welcome to this month's Needlework and Wood Working Update where we gather images of all of the items we have completed since the last update.  

Above is a Large Afghan Blanket in gorgeous pink and purples.  What a lovely gift for all ages!  $185.  Only one available.  More images and information are here.  

 Here are similar colors in a Bavarian Stitch Afghan Blanket.  $170.  This extra warm blanket can be folded corner to corner to use as a comfy shawl.  Only one available.  More here.

 Ah, yes, Blues!  This lap (or baby) blanket is lovely for a wheelchair, to use in the car, or in your recliner.  $75.  More images and info here.

 Between larger projects, I am always restocking our popular Cloche Hats that can also be used as Chemo Caps.  They are great sleeping caps, too.

We have several dozen of these... a variety of colors...

...types of yarn, and prices from $8.  See them all here!

 Kjell has been busy this month, too!  He has made two darling Leaf Boxes. This one features cherry and hard maple woods.   $56.  More images and video are here. 

 This is a similar leaf box featuring cherry and walnut woods.  $56.  More here.

 This lovely Swan graces the top of this round jewelry box.  Be sure to see all the inside detail here.  $66. This would be a lovely gift for her and the Horse jewelry box below for him.

This handsome Horse graces a lovely jewelry box that is perfect for cuff links, studs, and other small items.  $66.  More information and video here. Be sure to see the inside detail in the listing. 

So, that's it for another month!  We sincerely appreciate your likes, shares, pins, favorites, comments, and purchases, too, since we opened our shop in 2011.  This has been and continues to be a fantastic retirement project for us to enjoy what we do and offer it for others to enjoy, too.  We invite you to see the entire shop here.

All the very best,


Evensens Productions, LLC

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Cruise Ship Treats

 Good morning,

Oh, my.  More images of great food aboard Liberty of the Seas.

Above is Calimari available in Sabor Restaurant.

 And, this is Queso Fundido.  Catherine said she was thinking of our friend Russell when she ordered it because it is a treat that he enjoyed when we were all cruising together.

All the best,


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

High Level Job

 Good morning,

I believe this image was taken on deck 11 of Liberty of the Seas.  

Cleaning is constantly in progress aboard RCCL ships.  I wouldn't want this high level job, though.

Image credit to Catherine.

All the best,


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Chops Restaurant - Salad Lunch

 Good morning,

Catherine sent me this image of a wedge salad she enjoyed aboard Liberty of the Seas.  She knows I love these and would consider this my entire lunch. 

Ah, yes, being on a cruise ship where you can select any restaurant, enjoy excellent food, and not have to do the dishes.



Monday, February 17, 2025

Junior Suite - Liberty of the Seas

 Good morning,

This is a view of the living room section of Catherine's Junior Suite aboard Liberty of the Seas.  

It's so very comfy.  I find a balcony vital to have the personal space to enjoy the ocean.

All the best,


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sailing Out of the Port of Ft. Lauderdale

 Good morning,

It was a gorgeous day for sailing when Catherine and her friend sailed out of the Port of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

 It is fun to see these images while it is cold, snowy/rainy, and icy here in Ohio.

Have fun, Ladies!

Love you,


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Pool Deck - Liberty of the Seas

 Good morning,

This is part of the water park aboard Liberty of the Seas.  

Cruise ships have become a destination themselves.  Many people come for the ship and don't care where it goes.



Friday, February 14, 2025

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Royal Promenade

 Good morning,

This is part of the Royal Promenade aboard Liberty of the Seas.  Here's where you can get pizza and other items you can see listed on the awnings.

Liberty of the Seas is a sister ship to Freedom of the Seas where Kjell and I "lived" for the last six years of his service with Royal Caribbean.  The layout of the ship is exactly the same so it is fun to see it all again in Catherine's pictures.  

I hope you enjoy our virtual cruise aboard Liberty with us!


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Promenade Deck 5 - Liberty of the Seas

 Good morning,

This image was taken by Catherine from the Promenade Deck 5 of Liberty of the Seas.

The Mustering Drills are handled differently on board now and it is a vast improvement.  Now guests check in to their muster station with a crew member and they have met the requirement for knowing where to go.  Evacuation instructions are available on cabin TVs and on the phone app.  Easy Peasy.  Back in the old days, we all had to don our life jackets and line up on this deck.  It got crowded, it was hard to hear, and if someone didn't come, the whole process was sometimes held up until the missing person was found.

Thanks for sending the pictures, Catherine.  While it's cold here in Ohio, we are enjoying your cruise with you.

Love you,


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Ft. Lauderdale Lawn Critters

 Good morning,

No, these are not real.  These are lawn decorations at the hotel where Catherine and her friend, Rebecca, are staying before their cruise.  I'm not so sure I'd want this one on my lawn....  ;)  

 This critter looks a little more friendly.

More fun images from Catherine to come!

All the best,


Monday, February 10, 2025

Swordfish Artwork at FLL

 Good morning,

This artwork is displayed at FLL - the airport in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  There's a price tag hanging from it, so I am sure it is for sale.  Very nice!

Image credit goes to Catherine.


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Happy Second Birthday, Lily!

 Good morning,

Yesterday was Lily's (left) second birthday.  She has been quite a handful these first two years!

Daddy caught this picture while Lily and Elsa were snoozing on the couch together.

Sweet girls.

All the best,


Saturday, February 8, 2025

FLL Greeter

 Good morning,

This is a greeter at FLL.  Yes, Catherine is in Ft. Lauderdale and will soon be boarding Liberty of the Seas for a quick cruise before she is immersed in tax season here at home

More to come!


CVG Food

 Good morning,

Catherine sent me this image of the snack she was having at CVG while waiting for her plane.

I wonder where she could be going....


Stay tuned,


Friday, February 7, 2025

Lamb and Cabbage ala Kjell

 Good morning,

Kjell took this image as he was making Lamb and Cabbage.  

There is a lamb leg cut into bite size pieces under three heads of cabbage in that pot.

I think we'll have enough for the rest of the week.

What's your comfort food?



Thursday, February 6, 2025

Peace Lily

 Good morning,

I took this image without flash.  The only light was a table lamp.  

The flower is so graceful.  Just lovely.  I had to preserve its beauty by capturing this image.

All the best,


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Raw Diet for Dogs

 Good morning,

We feed our four pups a raw diet that we prepare ourselves.  We've done this for more than 20 years now so all of our dogs have had this diet since they were just a few weeks old.

That's Erik's dinner above.  You see a chicken back (sometimes it's a neck) and ground hamburger (sometimes it's ground chicken or turkey, never pork).  What you don't see under the chicken is a half tablespoon of chopped veggies and oatmeal as well as supplements and medications that our nearly sixteen year old boy needs.  All of the food is human grade, purchased at local grocery and meat stores.

The first question many people ask is about salmonella and/or other problems with feeding raw.  Yes, those would be problems for us humans, but not for dogs.  

So, that's what our canine athletes eat for dinner.  For breakfast, the meal is about the same, except a raw egg including the shell replaces the chicken back. 

We are very careful to wash our hands after handling the raw ingredients in these meals.  Also, we have a specific small part of the kitchen counter that we use only for dog food preparation.  This area is away from/across the room from where we prepare human meals.

Of course, our pups get some of our food, too, but not things that can do them harm such as onions and chocolate.  

All the best,


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Viking Food

 Good morning,

My Honey, Kjell, was born and grew up in the oldest Viking town in Norway.

Vikings are known for their love of potatoes and hi-fat meats.  Of course, these things kept them warm and fed in their cold climate.

A treat that I make for Kjell is potatoes cut to bite size pieces, placed in a baking dish, sprinkled with olive oil, covered with one package of Lipton Dry Onion Soup Mix, tossed to cover potatoes with olive oil and soup mix, and baked at 350 for 45 minutes.  

Then I remove from oven to add sausage (this is Polish sausage) that I've cut into bite size pieces and return it all to the oven for another 15 to 20 minutes.

I like to eat mine with a side of apple sauce.  Yum!

 Yes, it is not healthy.  Yes, it tastes delicious.  No, we don't have it very often.



Monday, February 3, 2025

Playing at the Dog Club

 Good morning,

Catherine took Elsa (pictured) and Lily to the dog club yesterday to play on the agility equipment.  Actually, they were there training, but the pups think of it as playing.  They have so much fun!

Thanks for the image, Catherine.

All the best,
