Sunday, January 21, 2024

Wendy and Erik in the Snow

 Good morning,

Here's Miss Wendy in the snow.  She really loved going on and rubbing her nose through it.  You can't see it in this still image, but her tail is wagging very happy wags.

 Erik did OK in the snow, but I could almost read his mind:  Oh, it's that time of the year for snow again....  I always accuse him of trying to be a Dalmatian when he goes out when it is snowing. ;)  Erik is wearing a harness so I can help him with a little gentle lifting up the couple of steps from the patio into the living room.  We take it off when he is inside.

Elsa and Lily were still in bed when I took these.  Lily enjoyed her first snow and I had a hard time getting her to come in.  

Happy Winter!


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