Monday, October 16, 2023

Giant Tug A War Rope

 Good morning,

We have so many dog toys around the house that many are put away in boxes for awhile, then pulled back out weeks later.  In this case, the giant tug rope that Catherine bought several years ago was of great interest to Lily when we got it out again.

 Lily couldn't find any of the other pups to play tug with her, so she played with it herself.

 She was fascinated with this thing for quite some time and tried very hard to destroy it.  

If you have similar tug toys for your pups, be sure to only let them play with them while you are supervising.  If they should manage to get the rope unraveled, there is a swallowing hazard.  If the rope starts to become unraveled, just throw it away.

All the best,


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