Monday, June 26, 2023

New Neighbors?

 Good morning,

Elsa and Lily are checking out the noises from the property behind ours.  There are new dogs back there!  Could they be new neighbors?  There are a German Shepherd and two smaller dogs.  

I don't think they are new neighbors.  I think they are with the people there cutting the grass.  We'll see....

Aside:  I love the way Lily has her arm around Elsa as she is trying to see over the retaining wall that we are hoping will soon be covered with greenery.  





  1. I was just thinking that was a very cute picture as I read how Lily has her arm around Elsa.
    Maybe the ones cutting the grass are the ones moving in with new dawgie friends?

  2. We all tend to be a little nosy when someone new moves into the neighborhood!


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