Saturday, June 24, 2023

Just Like Human Siblings

 Good morning,

Our pups have more toys than they can possibly play with in months. 

 We buy some of them, but most come from successful runs at dog shows.  At the end of a winning run, they are often allowed to select a toy from the toy box.   Our pups come home with lots of them!

But, in these images, you'll see they are more interested in sticks, specifically, the same stick.
The three girls have been carrying around and chomping on the same stick for days. It has been a battle to keep them from sneaking it into the house where it takes the shop vacuum to make the carpet clear again.
So, here they are, all chomping on the same stick.  

Kids.  ;)

They're so cute and predictable....


1 comment:

  1. I wonder what makes that particular stick so attractive... Is there such a thing as "dognip"?


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