Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Elsa and Lily

 Good morning,

When we introduced Lily to our other pups, Erik, Wendy, and Elsa, it was Elsa who was overcome with joy.

 Elsa and Lily love playing together.  Lily is very self confident and has no problem with the big dogs.  Of course, she had plenty of them at her breeder's home, too.

 Tug A War is a favorite game when Elsa and Lily aren't doing zoomies through the house and yard.

Our older pups, Wendy and Erik, are staying out of the way and mostly observing.  Erik is very good with puppies and tolerates Elsa climbing on him.  Wendy wants to know when we are taking that new kid back.  ;)  

The introduction of Lily to our pack has gone very well.  We've been through this before and know they will all become best friends within a few days.  



1 comment:

  1. It is always so stressful for me to add another pet member to our family. I never understand their relationships (well, I have mostly cats and they confound me all the time.) Good to see that everyone gets along!


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