Friday, December 9, 2022

Confusing Name?

 Good morning,

Catherine sent me today's pictures.  She was having lunch at a new local restaurant with an unusual name.

The food looks delicious, but I can't help but wonder if the connection of grease on cars and grease on food has anything to do with this.  Nah, couldn't be.

 All the food in the images looks good to me.  I'll have to check it out....

Aside:  In Norwegian, there may be a connection.

smøre bilen = grease the car
smør brødet = butter the bread
"grease" and "butter" sound very much the same.  ;)  





  1. It looks, to me, like everything is fried... Not good for me.

  2. You're right, Mark, it all does look fried. Once in a blue moon it's fun to have a burger and onion rings, but not very often. I don't think it's good for any of us.


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