Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Work in Process - A Study in Black and White

 Good morning

This is the new Deck One project:  a large afghan blanket I can call "A Study in Black and White."  It doesn't look like a whole lot here, but I am extremely happy about how it is coming together as I assemble the center rounds.  This one is especially fun to make.  When I get it together, it will be in the shop.

I'm still working on the "Blue Lovers" large afghan blanket on Deck Two. I don't spend as much time up there so projects take a little longer to finish.  I do love having a variety of projects going at all times.  

Today I started a hat while waiting for My Honey to be finished with a doctor appointment.  I have a feeling the hat will be finished before the afghans.  ;)

What are you making, baking, growing this week?

All the best,


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