Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Painters are Here!

 Good morning,

Painting this three story house is quite a challenge.  We have had it painted in sections which is working out quite well.  These images are of part of the back of the house.

 The job is being done right this time.  Last time we hired a painting company that just came and smeared on new paint.  This time the old paint on this 100+ year old home is being scraped and blasted off before a primer coat, then new white paint.  

We can see the house was once yellow in a former life, certainly not a color I would select for this Greek Revival home.  

It all looks pretty bad now, but there is hope!  Since these images were taken, there has been scaffolding placed on the driveway side of the house and work is going on there, too.  We'll be glad when it's all over so we can repair the lawn and put everything back where it belongs.

Life goes on!




  1. It is a big job to get done, but good when the house is new painted and beautiful!

  2. It'll be good when it is all complete, but not fun to deal with. Yeah, I wouldn't choose yellow either!


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