Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Meet Ember

 Good morning,

This four month old sweetie is Ember who is our house guest for a few days while her human (our friend Alicia) and canine family participate in Labrador Retriever Nationals near St. Louis.  Ember is a Millstone Labrador so is a relative of our Elsa.

 Those are our two Yellow Labs, Wendy and Elsa, romping with Ember.  Erik is ignoring the whole thing.  ;) 

All of the pups had a great time having Ember here.

Happy Fall!



  1. Oh gosh, it looks Elsa or maybe it is Wendy, trying to dunk little Ember into the baby pool! Too funny!

  2. This is one fabulous, FUN post Lois! Are there results from the Nationals, or is it too early?

  3. Everyone looks like they are having fun. Ember is an excellent name for that fellow!

  4. Beautiful girl!!!!!!!!!!

    Our son has had black labs, and his wife trains them wonderfully, so they are very, very much loved.

    🎃 😊 🍁 🌰 🌻 🍂 🎃


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