Saturday, September 4, 2021

Fall Blossoms

 Good morning,

At the beginning of summer I came across some seed packets in my desk.  They were forgotten and several  years old, but I had to give them a chance.  I filled a large patio pot of soil and spread the seeds on top.

 These images are of just a few of the rewards!  I would have taken more images, but the pot is on the edge of a wall to the basement stairs and I wasn't so sure of my step to take more.

I'm aware seeds can survive for thousands of years in pyramids, so gave these a chance after a much shorter time in my desk drawer.  They've brought us great beauty!

 All the best,



  1. Aren't seeds amazing! I think they were grateful to you for the chance to grow! Their blooms prove it! Gorgeous.

  2. How pretty! And as you say, the colors are perfect for the season.

  3. Finding the seeds were like finding forgotten treasures.


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