Monday, September 27, 2021

Did Someone Order Uber Eats?

 Good morning,

This is another image that Catherine texted to me with the same question as in the title of this post.  That pretty buck is seated in a neighbor's (property diagonally adjacent to ours) back yard. 

 Later, another friend showed up.  This is another image from Catherine's texts.

Our Wendy was sitting in Catherine's window on the third floor of our home barking for a good part of the night.  The bucks didn't seem to be disturbed at all.  By morning, they are long gone, but we see evidence of their visits from time to time.  

We're not quite sure where these beautiful animals live during the day, but suspect it is a wooded area on Xavier University property.  

 They are so lucky hunting is not permitted in city limits.  Or, maybe they already know that.  ;)

Happy Fall!


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