Sunday, July 25, 2021

Two New Dock Diving Titles!

 Good morning,

Wendy and Elsa are competing in dock diving this weekend!  Catherine, their trainer/our daughter, is doing a fabulous job with our canine athletes!

Wendy has earned Dock Senior Excellent 2. 

Our baby Elsa has earned Dock Senior Advanced.

In this image you can see the lake where the competition is held.  I just love Catherine's shirt with the cannon ball jumping Labrador.

The ribbons they earned are beautiful!  We are running out of room to display all of the ribbons, awards, and titles they have won.  Perhaps we need a bigger house!

Congratulations to Catherine, Wendy, and Elsa!  They certainly love doing this!

All the best,

Very Proud Mom


  1. They're ready for the Olympics. Well done, Catherine!

  2. Congratulations Wendy and Elsa and of course Katherine too!


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