Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Cicadas Have Hatched

 Good morning,

Every 17 years the "big batch" of cicadas have hatched and have come to the surface in the lawn.  Our pups are right there waiting for them and enjoy the buffet they offer.

 This is how the shells look in the light of day after the Cicadas emerge as a soft white bug that is so very tasty according to Erik, Wendy, and Elsa.

 We find these shells on everything!  Not a big deal, really, because they fall off and disappear rather quickly.

 Here Catherine is showing Wendy a little white Cicada that has just emerged from its shell.  It was a good thing I was fast with the camera.  Two seconds later, it was in Wendy's tummy.

 Oh!  here are more!


They are everywhere!

Thank you, Catherine, I'll eat that!

Only in Greater Cincinnati can you turn the Cicada invasion into something yummy.  Here's the Snappy Cicada Pizza Song from the Snappy Tomato Pizza Restaurant (turn on the sounds and click the image):





  1. Eww, gross! HA We returned from a trip through TN, NC and SC a couple of weeks ago and seems every other story on the news was about the cicadas. I thought it was kinda funny as we have cicadas every year (not sure if we have an 'explosion' year) and hear them and find their shells everywhere. Glad the dogs like them..LOL

  2. I love to hear the deafening song of the cicadas. Such an amazing creature. I have heard some say that the cicadas taste like shrimp.

  3. I've heard about these bugs but don't think I've ever seen them. Maybe a few once when I was in Georgia years ago. I wonder what makes them so tasty to dogs. I've heard that somewhere they are making Tacos with them.

  4. I wonder what kind of nutritional value cicadas have...


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