Thursday, April 29, 2021

Dandy Lions

 Good morning,

Here's another sign of Spring that some people don't necessarily want in their gardens.

 The dandelions have bloomed and create a beautiful yellow and green carpet in our back yard.

There are uses for these pretty flowers, of course.  There's dandelion wine and the leaves are a tasty addition to salads.

We don't use chemicals to get rid of weeds in our yard because of the dogs.  It makes life very interesting to see what grows and what doesn't.  If a plant is unusually annoying or even dangerous, we manually dig it out.

So, the "Dandy Lions" stay.  They're pretty!  And, the pups love to go out and sniff each one.




  1. Those are lovely. I didn't know they are edible.

  2. I love dandelions, and you are helping the honeybees very much by letting them grow and bloom. We do likewise!


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