Saturday, February 20, 2021

Bright and Beautiful

 Good morning,

One of the advantages of all of this snow outside is the light it reflects all day and even at night with the security lights shining on it.

I took the image above this morning.  It's on the side of the house that usually doesn't have much light until the afternoon/evening.  With the snow on the ground, we enjoy light through this window most of the day and even at night with reflections from the snow.

So, there are advantages to that cold, white stuff out there!


Lois   (looking forward to temps above freezing very soon!)


  1. Oh what a positive photo about the snow ~ gorgeous ~ Happy Weekend to you ^_^

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. I like the glasswork. I see dolphins and Tweety Birds. And a camel's face!


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