Friday, October 16, 2020

Security Guards on Duty

 Good morning,

Not much happens in our neighborhood that gets past our pups.  

Wendy (left) has always been happy on her throne keeping an eye on neighborhood activities.  Elsa is backup, and when either of them makes a noise, Erik shows up as well.

 I've rearranged the dog beds since Penny left us last month.  She had enjoyed that spot next to the window to watch the happenings outside.  Now the other pups take turns on that bed.  

The dogs watch the mail lady deliver our mail without any fanfare.  The first time they saw her and barked, I told them, "That's OK, she's the mail lady...."  Now they are content just watching, but don't bark at her.  They are such smart dogs.




  1. I like it that your dog stopped barking at the mail lady following your advice.
    Sometimes, I see someone walking his dog, and the dog suddenly starts barking at an elderly passerby. That could be very dangerous. An elderly person could get a heart attack just from the barking.

  2. Yes, DUTA, dog barking can be very scary to people of all ages.

    It takes a great deal of training and socialization for a dog to understand voice commands and how to behave. I have a strong feeling for the dogs about this and people who don't train their dogs so the dogs get blamed for bad behavior. I always say to those people, "If you don't train them, don't blame them."

  3. I wish my dog was as smart! So far my just telling him not to bark is not working...


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