Friday, June 19, 2020

African Violet Bouquet

Good morning,

From time to time I've shown you pictures of this plant when it had one or two blooms on it.  I got it as a hand-me-down from Catherine who received it in a basket of plants four or more years ago.  While in that basket, the violet bloomed from time to time, but acted as if it wasn't too pleased sharing space with its kalankoe, fern, and peace lily neighbors. 

I re-potted this lovely into a dachshund planter (you can only see his tail!) that I received with a plant when number one son was born more than 50 years ago.  It seems the violet has found it's happy place!

So pretty, I just had to share!


1 comment:

  1. You do have a green thumb, don't you. My indoor plants don't last that long.


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