Sunday, May 17, 2020

May 17 - Constitution Day - Kingdom of Norway

Good morning,

Today is Constitution Day in the Kingdom of Norway.  Norwegians celebrate it with parades, national costumes, and food usually, but this year, Covid-19 has put a damper on the big celebrations.

Above are the two flags on top of one of My Honey's CNC machines.  He was born in Norway and is now a US citizen by choice.  Of course, we always celebrate all things Norwegian as well as USA holidays and customs.

This morning we will have Norwegian Waffle Cakes made by Catherine to celebrate this special day.  I'll have to get some pictures to show you tomorrow.
Here is a larger shot of one of My Honey's two CNC machines in the corner of the basement wood workshop with the flags at the top.  He named this hard worker "The Patriot" as you can see.  He spends most of every day creating designs on his computer and working with his many tools and machines making the gorgeous items in the shop

Happy Constitution Day, Honey!

Love you,

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