Saturday, April 4, 2020

Woo Woo Woo Woo, Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Inside

Good morning,

The title says it all.

The image was taken through a window screen from the second floor of our home.  That's very quiet Xavier University across the street.

We don't mind the "stay at home" order by the Governor of the State of Ohio one bit.  Yes, it is inconvenient, but we are happy to know there is so being much done by our Governor and President to keep us all as safe as possible and to make medical care available to those who need it.

We fly our flag 24/7/365, but notice more and more people are flying their flags these days.  Unity. 

So, stay safe, stay well, stay strong and to do that, stay home if at all possible.  For those on the front lines who are medical professionals, police, fire, grocers, and other essential workers, thank you so very, very much.

Thanks, too, for the kind comments here on the blog and the personal notes I've received recently. 

Love you all,

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