Tuesday, February 25, 2020

New Computers

Good morning,

I have a new computer that I received a couple of months ago for my birthday and am finally setting up this week.  I currently have the old and the new computers set up side by side while I load programs onto the new one.  I have all files on an external drive, so that makes them easy to plug into the new system.  That's the new monitor on the left, the old one on the right.

I'm just about finished getting things in order now.  Tomorrow I'll attempt to do everything for the blog, shop, email, photos, etc., on the new system.  If all goes well, I'll dismantle the old system.

My Honey got a new computer this week and our desks are side by side so he's setting his up on his desk next to me.  

What on earth did we do 30 years ago before these things?


1 comment:

  1. You have a much bigger screen. Enjoy the new computer. Hope there are no glitches along the way.


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