Friday, January 10, 2020

Where the Deer and the Labradors Play

Good morning,

I had to zoom my phone camera to get most of these images. 

That handsome young buck was standing in the yard diagonally behind our own early one morning this week.
We have deer in the wooded areas nearby and once in the past 40 years we have seen a doe and fawn in our yard, so this is not a common occurrence so close to our homes.
This young fellow seemed lost.  He didn't seem too concerned about our dogs barking at him, though.
It was due to our dogs barking that we went outside to see what it was all about.  Wendy was determined to "protect" us from this creature.
The buck flipped his tail a couple of times, then wandered off between the houses to the next block. 
Wendy kept an eye on him until he was gone.  We hope he didn't get near the high traffic street just three houses away.

Until recently, the property on the other side of our fence was completely forested so Wendy would never have seen the deer.  The new owners have removed all of the trees and underbrush.  They are remodeling the property and will surely landscape the property beautifully.

All the best,

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I have never seen deer on Oahu, where I live, but there are deer on the island of Molokai. My brother used to hunt there and bring home venison for dinner.


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