Sunday, November 10, 2019

Work in Process - A New Beginning

Good morning,

My current work in process is another custom order cables and lace sweater.  This one is a beautiful azure blue.  I started working on this while sitting in a waiting room and worked on it more yesterday evening.  The mulberry color sweater in the same pattern that I showed you last time has been finished and delivered to the customer. 
Yesterday I finally finished a black lace crochet shawl that I started on our road trip last month.  I had all but the last few rows and fringe to complete it and get it in the shop.  It feels so good to get things finished, doesn't it!

And, that pretty pink flowers afghan that I showed you last time is still a work in process.  I'm down to the last few squares, then the border.  I'll use that as my crochet project to balance the current sweater knitting project to give my fingers a rest from the same repetitive movements.

What are you making, baking, growing this week?

All the very best,

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