Sunday, October 27, 2019

Branson Scenic Railway

Good morning,

Ready for a train ride?  We were here last year (images here), but this time returned with our friends, Martha and Russell for another time around
My Honey was ready with his camera...
...and captured some wonderful images.
We had a wonderful time seeing Martha and Russell.  I realized I didn't get a picture of Martha during the train ride because she was seated next to me.  I have an image of her later when we were having lunch the next day.
We had fabulous crisp Fall weather for our trip.
 The train ride took us across a lake and into the Missouri countryside...
 ...eventually into Arkansas.
 Tressels lifted us high along the crests of the rolling hills.

 Here if you look carefully, you can see the red engine pulling the train.  The engines and cars of the train each had a historical story told to us during the ride.
 And, here we are crossing the lake once again on the way back to the station.

The two hour ride went all too fast!



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