Friday, September 21, 2018

Duck Hunter

Good morning,

That's our Erik with a duck in his mouth.  He didn't find it here in our back yard, but he does have experience retrieving ducks during gun dog training.
Catherine had taken Wendy to a gun dog class, but Wendy said, "You have to be out of your mind if you think I'll put that smelly dead duck in my mouth!"

So, Catherine brought the duck home for Erik to retrieve a few times.  ;)
Catherine disposed of the duck shortly after all pups were treated with hotdogs.


Erik was in gun dog training, then hurt his knee.  After surgery and a long recovery in early 2017, he has not returned to gun dog training.  Instead, he has taken the job of Chief of Security and my personal sidekick here at home.  He still enjoys swimming and running.

Wendy trains in Agility and Dock Diving.  She has ribbons and titles in both activities and seems to prefer Dock Diving.

Penny, our senior, is a retired Agility dog Champion.

All of our canine athletes are such happy pups!


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