Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Smokin' Hot Birthday Present

Good morning,

When I saw the big truck pull up in front of our house, I thought it might be my yarn delivery, but it wasn't.  It was Lowe's with My Honey's birthday present!
My Honey's birthday is coming up soon and he got exactly what he wanted this year.  The old smoker was ready to go so it was time for a new one.
Lowe's was willing to put it together before they brought it, but My Honey wanted to do it himself.  The one we saw on display in our local store was put together with the firebox mounted backwards and we didn't want to take the chance the same person would put ours together.  ;)
So, here it is.  Ready to be put together.
The day was overcast and rainy, but not enough rain to stop a good engineer from putting together his new toy.  By opening the back of the car he had a shelf for all the tools and parts as well as a place to stand should the rain come down just a little harder.
 Hmm.  Lots of parts!
 It wasn't long before he had it going together just fine.
 We got a kick out of the serial number on grill.  Nice.  Just in case it "takes a walk" we'll be able to identify it.
 Here it is!  Smoked ribs will be first.  :)  I'm sure I'll get some pictures.

All the best,


  1. I laughed when you said he wanted to put it together himself! Typical engineer mindset. I have a son and an ex husband that are engineers and they would do the same. Where does the water pan go? I watched a video of this model. It seems so complicated. I assembled my Weber Smokey Mountain smoker myself but it is much less detailed than his "new toy!" You just can't beat the taste of smoked meat.

  2. Happy Birthday to your Honey! My goodness I hope your smoker doesn't walk before you get your ribs. That sounds so delicious. Hugs, lj


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