Friday, August 31, 2018

Halloween Already?

 Good morning,

It's Halloween at our Lowe's store. It's only two months away.  ;)  It all does get you in the mood, doesn't it. 
I rather like this gal. 

We don't get trick or treaters at our house, but we always have something available in case one should find our front door.

We are ready for the Fall holidays in our shop.  There's a pumpkin sweater for hay rides and helping Mom and Dad (and grandparents!) rake the leaves as well as other sweaters for the family that are perfect for chilly Fall evenings.

All the best,

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Waiting Room Kniting - Sweater Sleeve

Good morning,

I spend a great deal of time waiting in waiting rooms, riding in the car, and watching TV and movies with the family in the evening.

I never let any time go to waste so have multiple projects going and in separate bags with all tools so that I can grab one and take it along.  The current waiting room knitting project is a sweater sleeve.  I've finished the body up to the underarms and am now working on the first sleeve.   I'll put the body and sleeves together at the underarms, then knit the yoke in an intarsia Scandinavian design.

This is a truly fun project.  I'm already working on the ideas for the next one, too. 

All the best,


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Smokin' Hot Birthday Present

Good morning,

When I saw the big truck pull up in front of our house, I thought it might be my yarn delivery, but it wasn't.  It was Lowe's with My Honey's birthday present!
My Honey's birthday is coming up soon and he got exactly what he wanted this year.  The old smoker was ready to go so it was time for a new one.
Lowe's was willing to put it together before they brought it, but My Honey wanted to do it himself.  The one we saw on display in our local store was put together with the firebox mounted backwards and we didn't want to take the chance the same person would put ours together.  ;)
So, here it is.  Ready to be put together.
The day was overcast and rainy, but not enough rain to stop a good engineer from putting together his new toy.  By opening the back of the car he had a shelf for all the tools and parts as well as a place to stand should the rain come down just a little harder.
 Hmm.  Lots of parts!
 It wasn't long before he had it going together just fine.
 We got a kick out of the serial number on grill.  Nice.  Just in case it "takes a walk" we'll be able to identify it.
 Here it is!  Smoked ribs will be first.  :)  I'm sure I'll get some pictures.

All the best,

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Pups at the Pool

Good morning,

Our pups enjoyed an afternoon and evening at our friend Erica's pool this week.  That's our Penny in the foreground; Wendy is on the steps.

Notice the weave poles in the background.  The pups have their own training area for their agility trials.
Of course, Erik is there, too.

These kids have a hard life, don't they....


Monday, August 27, 2018

Cat in a Box? No....

Good morning,

On first glance that sure looks like a large cat in a box, doesn't it!

Well, it's not.  That's Tillie the Border Collie who is checking out the ice left in the box of 50 pounds of chicken necks that we just purchased for the pups.  The necks have been packed down into plastic containers and are in the freezer. 
Tillie, in the box, and Tumble the Brittany are both our friend's Erica's pups.  They visit with us here often.  :)

Of course, they each got samples while the necks were being packed away.



Sunday, August 26, 2018

Current WIP - Custom Order Shawl Scarf

Good morning,

This is the current WIP for the shop.  It's a custom order crochet shawl scarf that is almost finished and ready for fringe before it's sent off to the buyer.

Barely visible in the background is an adult knit patchwork sweater.  The second sleeve is almost finished, then assembly and finishing before photos and listing in the shop. 

What are you making today?

All the best,

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Hey Look! I found fish!

Good morning,

Our friend's pup, Tumble, was with us again this week.  He found the gold fish pond and turned around to see what he could do about it. 

May I swim?  May I play with the fishies?

No, Tumble, you may not play with the fishes, but you are welcome to watch them all you would like. 

He's so cute!


Friday, August 24, 2018

We are being watched!

Good morning,

This fellow was on the outside of the window while we were waiting for a doctor appointment on the fifth floor at UC Health this week. 
He stayed there for more than 30 minutes without moving. 

We enjoyed watching him as much as he seemed to enjoy watching us. We could imagine he would say, "Oh, look!  Humans under glass!"

All the best,

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Morning Kisses

Good morning,

We have a morning routine around here.  Catherine and I both get up to let the pups out to go potty.  Penny sleeps with us so I bring Penny downstairs.  Wendy sleeps with Catherine so Catherine brings her downstairs.  Erik, the fellow in the image above with Catherine moves from room to room each night as the mood strikes him.

The pups go outside while Catherine puts the coffee on.  She tries to get another few minutes of sleep while waiting for the coffee when Erik stops by and easily gets his presence known. 

"Good morning, Mommy!"  Kisses.  Lots of kisses.
Now his eyes look like port and starboard lights.  *sigh*
I thought I couldn't do that again if I tried!
 Awww, sweet Erik loves his Mommy. 

What a precious picture.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Stopping to Smell the Flowers

Good morning,

Miss Penny and I take a walk around the neighborhood whenever we get a chance.  Of course, she enjoys stopping to smell the flowers wherever we go. 
These pretty flowers are across the street from our home on the grounds of Xavier University.

We are enjoying these lovely summer days in Cincinnati.

All the best,

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Finished Project - Engine Telegraph

Good morning,

A few days ago I showed you images of My Honey working on this project in his workshop.

This is an Engine Telegraph inspired by his many years at sea.
Kjell made this for our own "Schooner Bar" recreation room at home. 
Some of our friends immediately said this would be a great beer tap.  Yes, it would!
For now, though, this is a beautiful conversation piece.  I'm hoping he'll make another for our shop!

All the best,

Monday, August 20, 2018

A Very Lucky Trip to the Toy Store

Good morning,

Above you see My Honey's Toy Store.  We visit here often and walk among the rows and rows of wood, hardware, and tools.  It is always a fun visit and we never get out of there without something new. 

A couple of weeks ago as we checked out we were given a key to a treasure chest.  We were told this past Saturday would be the last day to come back and see if our key worked!  My Honey filled my name out on the back of the card that held the key.

We waited.  We returned to the store today...
I stood in line as people ahead of me tried their keys, then put the losing keys in the bowl on the right and second chance cards in the box on the left.

I stepped forward to take my turn.  My key worked!  When the box was opened I was invited to select a rolled paper naming the prize I won.

I won wood!  My Honey and I went back to the specialty wood section and he picked out some lovely wood that he'll use to make some things for our shop.

Such fun!  I should have bought a lottery ticket yesterday, too!

All the best,

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Another Beautiful Hibiscus

Good morning,

The hibiscus are just gorgeous this year so here's another one. 


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Two of My Assistants

Good morning,

Here they are, two of my assistants with their unicorn mascot.

That's Wendy on the right.  She's in charge of catching anything edible that I might drop from my desk.

Erik, the man in black, is head of security.  When his eyes turn green, he will be fully charged.

It is so good to be home and be able to work from home! 


Friday, August 17, 2018

Artist At Work

Good morning,

Today's images are of My Honey in his wood workshop.
He's busy making an Engine Telegraph.  The engraving was done with the CNC machine you see to Kjell's left after he drew his design on his computer.  He is now carefully painting the details before the wood will be finished to a shine.
The pieces are coming together for another beautiful project!

Kjell has a number of projects in process now.  While waiting for layers of finish to dry on some items, he is working on others.

All the best,

Visit Our Shop!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

WIP - Another Patchwork Sweater

Good morning,

Draped across the chair across from where I am working is the back of a patchwork sweater that I just finished.  I am working on the front now and am designing the color pattern as I go.

This sweater will restock one in the shop that was just sold.  These sweaters are my original design.  It is fun to think about where they are around the world.   In addition to the USA I've shipped them to many countries on four continents world wide.  They are just as popular in adult sizes as well they are in children's sizes.

The sweater I'm working on now is an adult size 34-38 inch chest and will be available in our on-line shop,, when finished.  There are others in the shop now in children's sizes and even one for a doll.  To see more views of the sweaters already finished, click here.

What are you making today?

All the best,

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Yummy Corn on the Cob

Good morning,

Penny is enjoying fresh corn on the cob.  Of course, I'm a very well trained mom and am holding it for her.

Although Penny loves her corn, we never let her have it to eat off the cob by herself.  Pieces of the cob could be very dangerous if she swallows it.

What a sweetie.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Road Trip Crochet - Cloche Hat

Good morning,

We drove to Central Ohio over the weekend to visit my brother. 

Of course, I took along yarn and a crochet hook!  This is a cloche hat that will soon be available in our shop,, $10.  This one is a different stitch than most of the other hats in the shop right now.  It has a great deal of texture that is not only pretty, but allows for air circulation while still keeping your head comfortably warm in cold weather.

Such pretty colors!  I've made one in this stitch for the shop in purples, magenta, and blues, too.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Penny on Patrol

Good morning,

This is Miss Penny taking me on a walk.  That sweet old lady is about 96 in human years and is still on the go.  She has a little arthritis and likes to sleep as much as she can, but she is such a happy girl and as sweet as she can be.  She loves her walks.

We are so blessed to have this sweet old lady.


Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sushi Night - Again!

Good morning,

Sushi is a treat that we enjoy often. 

My Honey, our daughter, and I devoured this plate of sushi in just a few minutes.



Saturday, August 11, 2018

White Hibiscus in the Morning Dew

Good morning,

Early one morning this week I found this white hibiscus bud covered with morning dew.
Nearby was another blossom that had opened.

How pretty.

All the best,

Friday, August 10, 2018

Sweet Basil

Good morning,

Our Sweet Basil is growing beautifully this year!  I found out early that sprinkling crushed red peppers around and on the plants keeps the little buggies from eating those lovely leaves.

How does your garden grow this summer?


Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Return of the Marigold

Good morning,

This lovely marigold grew from a seed that dropped from the plants I planted last year.  How very nice!
I'm sure there will be more blossoms from this pretty plant this summer. 

This past Spring I was busy with surgery and travel so didn't plant flowers in the two pots on my front porch.  But, Mother nature took care of me.  ;)    Isn't it pretty!

All the best,

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

In a Theater Near You - Gotti Movie

Good morning,

The new Gotti movie has been out for a few weeks now.  If you happen to see it and see this sign, know it's the real thing.  This is my dentist's office.  ;)
The quaint office and beautiful garden out front were a perfect location to film one of the scenes.

Such fun!


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Preview of Coming Attractions

 Good morning,

This current project in my studio is a preview of coming attractions. :)

Above you see stacks and stacks of hand crocheted squares in colors of the sea.
I'm putting together a beautiful large afghan blanket in the colors of sea foam and white caps.  This one will fit on your bed, couch, recliner or anywhere else you would like to add color and stay comfy.  What a lovely wedding, birthday, Christmas, and even back to school gift for a dorm room!

If you are interested in purchasing this item ($155), please send me an email:   We are happy to accept custom orders for items in your color choices, too.

All the best,

UPDATE:  This afghan blanket was just sold, but we have others in a variety of colors and designs ready to ship in one day. Click here to see them all.

Hand Crafted Original and Traditional Designs
