Saturday, February 3, 2018

Kitchen Assistants

Good morning,

It's never a problem to find someone to keep us company in the kitchen.

Catherine came home from her office late one evening and made herself a grilled ham and cheese sandwich with plenty of help.



  1. That's a highly amusing picture. The 'assistants' will probably get some tasty reward for their "help".

  2. LOL! That looks like a common scene in my house! I can't eat a meal or work in the kitchen without two Labs giving me their undivided attention. Truth be told, it's not me they care about, it's "if we wait long enough, something will drop on the floor for us!"

  3. Ha ha, the dogs are after a snack, and probably they will get some. I love your new header.

  4. This works as well with cats; as soon as I open a can, or even the frig door, I have an audience :-)



  5. It looks like you don't have to clean up if you drop some food at the floor :)


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