Saturday, January 6, 2018

Winter Knitting Work in Process

Good morning,

It has been so cold the past few weeks that knitting while sitting by the fire has become a favorite way to stay warm.

On the left in the image above is an orange sweater I had started some time ago, but put aside to make several custom order items and other items to restock the shop.  I've gotten the sweater back out to work on and also have some new gorgeous soft yarn (right) that Catherine and I picked out together that I'll use to make a sweater for her. 

I have several other smaller projects started, too, that I take along on road trips or while sitting in waiting rooms.  It's good to have smaller projects between the larger ones so I have a break in the action from those time consuming projects.

Also in process now is another crochet afghan blanket in warm browns.  I switch between knit and crochet to give my fingers a rest from the same competitive motions.

What are you making, baking, painting, photographing now?

All the best,


  1. I love the buttery beige yarn you and Catherin picked out; with the little flecks of blue it is sure to be fun to knit up :-)

    Stay warm! The cold is about to break!



  2. Seeing your yard makes me want to do some knitting. Time to check the Ravelry website again.


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