Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Happy 13th Birthday, Penny!

Happy Birthday to our Penny!

Penny is 13 years old today, the same age as our grandson, Alex.  Of course, in people years, Penny is already 91 years old! 
We had a birthday brunch for Penny on Sunday when Alex and Don could be here to celebrate.
Aunt Catherine made a fabulous meal that we all enjoyed.  Of course, Penny, Erik, and Wendy got some, too. 
After we ate, we moved things around at the end of the living room so Alex and the pups could lie on the floor and watch a movie that Catherine put on for them.
The movie was "The Tuxedo" with Jackie Chan.  We saw this movie multiple times while we were on board the ship, but it's still fun to watch.   
 Alex watched the movie from time to time, but mostly played with the pups.
 I took these snapshots with my phone camera.
 Penny certainly enjoyed all of the attention. These images were taken last Sunday.  She'll have her cake and presents later today.
 It's always a joy to have Alex here.  He has his arm around Wendy as he is watching the movie.  Our sweet Black Lab Erik, Erik, always stays close when Alex is here. 

What a fun day!



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