Friday, October 13, 2017

Finally Finished!

Good morning,

As of last night it's finally finished!  It has been a joy to work with this gorgeous shade of lavender.  Or, is that orchid? 

This is an adult small size sweater that I've been working on between custom orders and projects I worked on in waiting rooms and on road trips.  The sweater got too big to take it along so I finally only worked on it while at home. 
I snapped these pictures with my phone. I'll get the sweater photographed with my good Canon camera over the weekend if I can get a sunny morning.  I like to photograph items in natural light.  Then I'll write the listing and get it on line in our shop.

Yay!  I'm so glad to have this pretty sweater finished.

Now, on to the next projects.... 



  1. Gorgeous shade of lavender, indeed!
    Congratulations on finishing this lovely sweater. You're very talented!

  2. Lovely color and gorgeous needlework ~ knitting can be so meditative as well as creative ^_^

    A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka (A Creative Harbor)


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