Thursday, July 13, 2017

Blooming Weeds

Good morning,

The birds bring us so many seeds that thrive here. 

Although those wild Morning Glories have pretty blossoms,
they have completely taken over two of our flower beds and are creeping across a walkway. 

It's time to get out there and do some cutting.  We wait for cooler days to do that sort of thing.  Since we're home year round now, we will be able to get all of this back under control eventually.

Although they are weeds, the green is quite pretty.

How is your garden growing?



  1. Lois, this bindweed must be the kudzu of the North; we have it in every garden, and all along the fenceline. I pull it as I see it, but can never quite keep up with it. Thank goodness it does have a pretty bloom :-)



  2. Sure is time to get even with the weeds. Good luck and warm greetings!


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