Thursday, June 1, 2017

More Cicadas!

Good morning,

The Cicadas continue to hatch and invade our yard. 
When Catherine and I had the pups outside there was a new, noisy batch of cicadas hatching.  I took the image above, then went back for a second shot to try to get one in better focus,...
... but I was photo bombed by our three year old Lab, Wendy.  Wendy finds these critters quite tasty.  I didn't get my second image of this one because it went too quickly into Wendy's tummy. 

If you are interested, do a google search for Cicada Recipes.  It seems some humans like them, too.  I'll still pass.
It was interesting to find the cicadas in various states of emerging from their shells.
 Notice the red eyes.  This cicada is morphing quickly into an adult.
 And, here comes another.

Mother nature's critters are fascinating.


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