Saturday, June 24, 2017

Erik's Water Tread Mill Physical Therapy

Good morning,

As many of you are aware, our eight year old Black Labrador Retriever, Erik, has recently undergone orthopedic surgery on his knee.

As part of his physical therapy, he is enjoying the water tread mill at the therapist's office.  He enjoys this so much he keeps trying to swim instead of walk.

I hope this film clip works.  I've had problems uploading it.  I know it works in Edge.



  1. Funny clip! Go Eric, go!
    Water is highly therapeutic, both for humans and for dogs.

  2. I love him, I hope that he doesn't fall down.

  3. Your header photo is beautiful ~ other pic didn't show up for me ~ but bet it was sweet ~ water therapy good for all of u ~ ^_^


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