Friday, May 12, 2017

Garden Update

Good morning,

I took today's images over a period of a few days.

We were glad to see the buds on the Peonies about a week ago.
A few days later the blossoms opened, but, sadly, heavy rains followed...
...and the flowers were beaten down by the rain. 

We have more buds ready to open, so perhaps those will blossom without any heavy rains at the same time.
These pretty little daisy weeds pop up just about everywhere.  I don't fight them.  They are very pretty weeds and pretty weeds are welcome. ;)
We still have iris blooming this week.  We have a number of different varieties so they bloom at slightly different times keeping color in the garden.
And, finally, here are those marigolds on the front porch.  They are certainly doing their job providing color near our front door.  Beautiful!

How is your garden growing this week?



  1. Hi Michelle, These particular peonies were here when we moved in in 1979. There was a clump of them by a wall in the back yard. I separated the clump and moved several of them out in front. I'm so glad I did! I also purchased some light pink and some darker pink plants that are thriving. They seem to bloom a little later than the white ones. Hopefully, we'll have the later ones for awhile before we get more heavy rain. :) Thanks for stopping by! It's always nice to hear from you.


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