Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Views of the Red Bud Trees from Inside and Outside

Good morning,

These two Red Bud Trees are "volunteers."  They both grew after we had removed an old Red Bud Tree nearby when it became entangled in electrical cables. 

The volunteers arrived in just the right spots in our garden so were welcomed and encouraged.
This is the lovely view of the Red Bud trees from inside our home. 

Ah, Spring!



  1. We love redbuds! Several are growing around our home; two we planted, and the rest are, as you say, volunteers.

    Have a lovely day!



  2. Redbuds are so beautiful. They are just starting to bloom here. I like the view out your window.

  3. These are beautiful Lois. We don't grow them this far north but I love seeing them when we travel into the states.

  4. Very nice views, Lois, from outdoors and indoors as well. You have a lovely front entrance to your home. It looks very stately.

  5. I love these trees. They are so beautiful. We have many in bloom here right now.

  6. Lovely house and trees!
    The first picture can serve as an inspiration to a beautiful painting.

  7. Your red bud trees are so lovely!


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