Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Old Hackberry Tree

Good morning,

This was a very busy day.  The man in the picture is from The Tree People who were here to remove our old Hackberry Tree that was leaning more and more toward our electrical and phone lines.
You can see more of the story here with the leaning tree, the phone and electrical lines, the tree removal boss, and, look very carefully, the man just past half way up the tree roping off pieces to begin cutting.
Here he is again after a few of the limbs have been removed.
This is not a job for me.
That's a chain saw hanging from the rope attached to his waist.
 Here's a shot from the inside while one of the branches was being lowered.
 And, here's a view of the man still quite high in the tree after most of the branches have been removed.
 These are only a few of the upper branches.

 Here are more and...
 He's getting closer to the bottom now.
 We paid to have the tree brought to the back yard where we can split and stack it. 

Although they were supposed to bring all of the medium branches back here, they had already loaded many of them on their truck.  The medium branches are the easy ones to cut down and use in the fireplace.  Oh, well, in a couple of years, there will be another tree that needs to come down.  We've been here nearly 40 years now and have always managed to have our own supply of firewood by removing only those trees that are dead or dying.  You can see the centers of these large logs have damage which was surely causing the tree to lean more and more as the tree died.

Stay tuned for the splitting and stacking episode(s?). 



  1. It is really good that there are experts to cut down large trees!

  2. We also had to have a large tree removed from the front yard of our VA home a number of years ago. It was quite the operation to see just as your own was as shown in this post. Happy Easter to you!


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