Friday, December 23, 2016

My Photo Assistant

Good morning,

This pup is everywhere!

Wendy follows about a half step behind me wherever I go.  The morning I took this picture I had set up a photo-op at the end of the living room to take pictures of an afghan blanket for our shop.  Wendy wanted to help so to get her out of the way where she would only be able to give advice, I instructed her to get in the chair and put her in a "stay."  We chatted throughout the photo session.  She did a very good job of staying in the chair while giving me advice about lighting, angles, depth of focus, and all kinds of other photo-type things.

She's so cute!

It's so good to be home!


She gives good advice.  The afghan blanket I was photographing at the end of the room is listed here.  ;)


  1. Lois, I got such a chuckle from your post :-) Such excellent help, and such a lovely girl!

    Merry Christmas!


  2. You did a better job of training than I did with my two. Yes, they both know what "stay" means. . . but they have a mind of their own! Morgan is better at responding to commands than Bailey.

  3. My dog canno not do a stay for more than 5 seconds...which is not really a stay. Somehow we never trained her very well... she doesn't do 'sit' very well either but she has stopped attacking cats.


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