Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mirror Lake at Eden Park - Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

We enjoyed a beautiful Fall Day at Eden Park, very near our home.
The ducks and the geese were there to enjoy the day with us.

We were here in the middle of the week so it wasn't crowded with people.
I came here often with my parents. 
 Every time my father got a new camera he came here to try it out.  Now My Honey and I enjoy taking pictures of the same views.
 Incredible colors!
 What a beautiful place so close to home.  :)



  1. That is a beautiful park and I like the sweet bridge over the water. A lovely spot to relax and take pictures. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. It's nice that this park also holds memories of when you and your father would visit. We are seeing a pair of cormorants on the Nashua river as we look out our NH window. They are a bit too far for a clear photo, but fun to watch.

  3. looks like you are having great weather. beautiful park!


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