Monday, November 30, 2015

More Autumn Glory

Good morning,

Today's images are more of those I took last month at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati.
The cemetery is huge and everywhere we looked we saw more of Autumn's glory.
There's that handsome man who shows up in so many of my images.  Do you think he is following me?  (If so, I like it!)

 Mother Nature in her Autumn Glory. 


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cypress Grove - Spring Grove Cemetery

Good morning,

This grove of cypress trees is in Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati.
I grew up in Cincinnati and live only five minutes away from this place.  I've never seen cypress trees anywhere in the Cincinnati area except here at Spring Grove. 

The cypress "knees" produce a beautiful ring around the lake that has certainly been here since Civil War times when this section of the cemetery as used for burial of soldiers from that era.

So much beauty so close to home.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Place to Rest

Good morning,

This beautiful serene lake is at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati.
Instead of a classic tombstone, this family chose a bench memorial so visitors can rest, reflect, and enjoy the beautiful place.



Friday, November 27, 2015

Dock Dog

Good morning,

I took the above image of the front of a t-shirt our daughter, Catherine, received from a friend.

Catherine is our trainer/handler of the family dogs.  Our youngest, Wendy, at only 18 months old has earned her first two AKC dock diving titles.
I snapped this image with my phone camera.  Wendy asked to lick out the sour cream container and Catherine was happy to let her do so.  Wendy is a canine athlete with tremendously strong legs and is happy to stand up to get her snacks.

What a darling pup!


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving - Breaking Bread Together

Good morning,

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! 

 We hope you are able to give thanks and break bread with those you love.

All the very best,
Lois and Family

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good morning,

In the USA it is the holiday of Thanksgiving.

We hope you have a wonderful day of giving thanks with family and friends.

All the very best,

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Civil War Memorial - Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

In an older section of the Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati is a Civil War Memorial.
Some of the grave stones have no names...
...and others do.
This section is a beautiful tribute to those who fought that war between the States.

It is interesting that this cemetery is only a few miles from the Harriet Beecher Stowe House.  Of course, Harriet Beecher Stowe is the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

So much history so close to home.

All the best,

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum in Autumn - Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

Very close to our home is the Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum, the second largest cemetery in the USA - second only to Arlington Cemetery near Washington, DC.
Along with hundreds, probably thousands, of others we recently made our annual Autumn photo journey to capture the colors of the season.
What a lovely, serene place. 


All the best,

Monday, November 23, 2015

Other Side of the Lake - Eden Park, Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

Today's images are more from our visit to Eden Park near our home in Cincinnati.  The weather was beautiful so we just kept walking and taking pictures.
Sometimes that sign is ignored.  We don't bring our dogs here because we don't want them in this water.
Glorious color!
The ducks and the geese have taken over the lake.  Watch your step!



Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cormorant Fisherman - Eden Park, Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

This artwork of a Cormorant Fisherman stands in Eden Park in Cincinnati.  It is a gift from our sister city of Gifu, Japan. 
How lovely!


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mirror Lake at Eden Park - Cincinnati, USA

Good morning,

We enjoyed a beautiful Fall Day at Eden Park, very near our home.
The ducks and the geese were there to enjoy the day with us.

We were here in the middle of the week so it wasn't crowded with people.
I came here often with my parents. 
 Every time my father got a new camera he came here to try it out.  Now My Honey and I enjoy taking pictures of the same views.
 Incredible colors!
 What a beautiful place so close to home.  :)
