Saturday, August 15, 2015

A Couple of Bucks in the Neighborhood

Good morning,

Our daughter sent us this image from home.

Catherine stopped her car and took this picture with her camera phone about a half block from our home.

We have lived in the city in the same home since 1979.  It is only in the last five years or so that we have started seeing deer in the neighborhood.

Of course, our three Labrador Retrievers think they are here to be playmates.  ;)



  1. oh, labs and deer... hmmm... :) such beauties!

  2. Beautiful animals! It is always amazing to see wild animals.

  3. We leave corn each evening under our apple tree for the deer. There's a young buck and a doe with a fawn that's a few weeks old.

  4. I leave a scoop of corn out each evening under our Apple tree. There is a young buck a doe with a fawn that's about two weeks old.


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