Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Old Town - Toensberg, Norway

Good morning,

Toensberg, Norway, is the oldest town in Norway and the place where Vikings of old built their ships and launched their campaigns into other parts of the world.  The oldest record of Toensberg is in 871

In the image above, the old part of the town is to the left of the tunnel built for modern traffic.
Norwegians don't stop skiing when the weather turns warm.  These ski "skates" allow skiers to train year round.
These old streets where Vikings of Old roamed are now populated by modern day Vikings.

We strolled down these neat, narrow streets...
 ...wishing we could see the people who had walked here before us.
 What a lovely place!



  1. What a wonderful place to visit. Love all your pics to date of lovely Norway.

  2. Looks like a lovely place for a vacation. But like they always say, no matter how far we roam, there's no place like home. I know when we use to take vacations, I was always tickled to get back home again. Actually I've never been much of a traveler. I hear we're suppose to get some rain this afternoon.

    I notice the little doggie photo on you page, is it a recent photo, or have you had the dog a while. I haven't been getting around much to blogs, I try to get on Facebook everyday. But I had shingles in April, then Pneumonia in May and didn't feel too much like sitting at the computer.

    Have a great time. Thanks for your visit.

  3. Hi Patty,

    That sweet puppy in my sidebar is Wendy, now one year old. :) She's a wonderful addition to our family that includes two other Labrador Retrievers.

    I'm so sorry to hear you were ill. I'm glad to hear you are better now.

    All the best to you and Abe,

  4. It looks like an interesting town to visit. The streets are pretty.


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