Sunday, July 5, 2015

Flowers and Penguins - Toensberg, Norway

Good morning,

Penguins in Toensberg, Norway? 

Toensberg is the oldest town in Norway and the starting point for many Vikings as they left to explore the world.  There are many statues celebrating the places they visited, including the Antarctic. 
We walked the historic dockside in Toensberg in June.
The flowers were gorgeous!



  1. Lois, this is a great post! Thanks!

  2. I need to get my Norwegian map out. Is that town further north. I sounds familiar but am not sure we went anywhere near it on our visit to the country last year. Your photos are wonderful!

  3. Denise: Toensberg is in Southern Norway at the mouth of Oslo Fjord on the West side of the fjord. Generally, tours from overseas and cruises go further North to Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, etc.


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