Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Viking Ship Building in Toensberg, Norway

Good morning,

I laughed when I downloaded and looked at this picture.  At the bottom of the image you see shadows of both Kjell and me with cameras to our faces as we were taking pictures of the Viking ship being built beside our hotel in Toensberg, Norway.  That green building in the back left is our hotel.
The historians working on this project are doing a fabulous job.  I'll have additional posts about this later when I sort through the many pictures I took over several days.
Wood is being soaked here so that it can be bent into the shapes needed to build the Viking ship.
Huge trees have been brought in for the building.  One of them is more than 400 years old.
This is a fascinating project.  More images to come!



  1. What a great find! And right next to your hotel.

  2. Hope to see a finished product soon.

  3. As always...utterly wonderful to drop around and see how you are doing!


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