Monday, April 27, 2015

USAF Thunderbirds - Loud and Exciting Lunch at Bonefish Willy's

Good morning,

We stopped for lunch at one of our favorite restaurants in Melbourne, Florida, Bonefish Willy's.
The local wild life was there to greet us.  ;)
We love sitting on the desk of the restaurant to enjoy a peaceful lunch with a beautiful view.
But, this time, the view also included plenty of noise and excitement!
 The USAF Thunderbirds were performing for an air show at the Melbourne, Florida, Airport.
 Our fabulous lunch arrived which we ate between jumping up and down to take pictures...
 ...of the Thunderbirds as they passed overhead.  They passed directly overhead, but so quickly that it was impossible to get pictures of them before they were off in the distance.
 We weren't the only ones trying to catch an image of the passing planes.

What a treat!

All the best,


  1. Really great views (and I love the food shot!)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. When I was in Hawaii, the Blue ANgels did an airshow. They day before the show, they were flying around Pearl Harbor. I was standing on the deck of my ship, maybe 10 feet off the water, One of those Blue Angels flew by so low that the pilot was closer to the water than I was!
    I love the food shot too.

  3. I grew up watching the Blue Angels (the Navy version!) because they are stationed in my hometown of Pensacola, Florida. Both the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds put on fantastic shows.


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