Thursday, April 30, 2015

Celebrity Century in St. Maarten, Dutch West Indies

Good morning,

"Parked" next to us aboard Freedom of the Seas in St. Maarten recently was Celebrity Century.

Celebrity Cruises are owned by Royal Caribbean so the two ships are "cousins." 
The intense colors in St. Maarten are just wonderful!
There are many tours available so that you can get very close to that gorgeous water.  Or, you can go to the beach and get into the water.
What a beautiful place.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Thank You for Cruising With Us

Good morning,

This huge sheet cake was served to guests aboard Freedom of the Seas on the last day of their seven day cruise.  The cake covered two tables that had been pushed together to display and serve the cake.

Thank you to our friends Martha and Russell for getting this picture before the feast began and the cake quickly disappeared!

Cakes and other goodies like this are the reason I have to walk the deck as often as possible!

All the best,

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Good Book - A Great Gift!

Good morning,

Thanks to our dear friends Martha and Russell, I have my reading material for a long flight we have planned for this summer.  :)  My favorite reads are biography and history.  This book combines both.

Thank you for your friendship and a great book!

All the best,

Monday, April 27, 2015

USAF Thunderbirds - Loud and Exciting Lunch at Bonefish Willy's

Good morning,

We stopped for lunch at one of our favorite restaurants in Melbourne, Florida, Bonefish Willy's.
The local wild life was there to greet us.  ;)
We love sitting on the desk of the restaurant to enjoy a peaceful lunch with a beautiful view.
But, this time, the view also included plenty of noise and excitement!
 The USAF Thunderbirds were performing for an air show at the Melbourne, Florida, Airport.
 Our fabulous lunch arrived which we ate between jumping up and down to take pictures...
 ...of the Thunderbirds as they passed overhead.  They passed directly overhead, but so quickly that it was impossible to get pictures of them before they were off in the distance.
 We weren't the only ones trying to catch an image of the passing planes.

What a treat!

All the best,

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Finding Family at the Zoo

Good morning,

This is the last image I took before we finished our photo safari at the Brevard Zoo recently. 

We were happy to find some distant relatives here!  ;)

All the best,

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Ibis - Brevard Zoo

Good morning,

This beautiful bird lives at the Brevard Zoo in Viera, Florida.  Isn't his color gorgeous!
We are winding down our visit to the zoo now. 

One more zoo picture tomorrow!


Friday, April 24, 2015

Bald Eagles - Brevard Zoo

Good morning,

Today's images are of our beautiful USA National Bird, the Bald Eagle.
The living quarters for these beautiful birds are quite lush at the Brevard Zoo in Viera, Florida.
I've visited many zoos, most older and much larger than this one, but this is the only one with such lush accommodations for the residents.



Captain's Corner - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

On the first sea day of every cruise aboard Freedom of the Seas you can have the opportunity to ask questions of the Executive Committee of the ship.
Above left to right are:  Captain, Staff Captain, Chief Engineer, Hotel Director, and Human Resources Director.

It's certainly not a straight-laced, serious session, that's for sure!  Although some serious matters are discussed and questions answered, this group also provides my comedy half hour of the week!  They are are a riot!

If you cruise aboard Freedom, don't miss this event!  It's listed in the Cruise Compass of events.

All the best,

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Needlework Update - April, 2015

Good morning,

It has been a very busy month creating with knitting needles and crochet hooks!

Above is a large afghan blanket in my original raised circle design that was a custom order and has been delivered...
 This similar red, white, and blue blanket with a red border will be in the shop... will be this one in peach and turquoise.  
 This tunic sweater was also a special order.  The yarn is incredibly soft and cuddly!
These little detergent or hand sanitizer bottle covers were also special orders...
...and I made two more in black and white and...
...raspberry and cream for the shop.
This was also a month of making more hats and caps to restock the shop and for special orders.

So pretty for Spring!
One little baby "painted" turtle also hatched this month.

So, that is what has flowed from the knitting needles and crochet hooks since the last Needlework Update.  It is such great fun to design and create new things and I hope you enjoy seeing what is new each month.  If you are interested in reserving items before they appear in the shop in early May, please let me know and I'll reserve them for you before they are available to the public.

As always, I love seeing what other bloggers are designing and creating, too!  What a talented group of needlework, photo, garden, culinary, and other artists we have out here in cyberspace!  I have links to many of their blogs in my right side-bar.

We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging.  ;)

All the best,

Original and Traditional Hand Crafted Designs

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Navigator of the Seas - Interior

Good morning,

As promised yesterday, today I have some images I took of the interior of Navigator of the Seas.
This ship is a smaller and slightly older version of the ship where My Honey and I spend a great deal of time, Freedom of the Seas.
There is a vintage car parked in front of Vintages on the Royal Promenade here, too!
The Promenade is very similar to the one aboard Freedom of the Seas, only slightly smaller.
Ah, the Cafe Promenade. Coffee!

 This ship has a stairway from one of the bridges crossing the promenade to the deck below.

Look carefully in the center left of this picture and you see the equipment used to wash windows on the promenade while guests are ashore enjoying the day.

All the best,

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Navigator of the Seas in Falmouth, Jamaica

Good morning,

Royal Caribbean's Navigator of the Seas is pictured above in Falmouth, Jamaica.
We were here aboard Freedom of the Seas tied up just across the dock with this shopping area between the two ships.
 We had the special opportunity to go aboard Navigator and I'll have a few pictures of the interior of this ship for you tomorrow.

How pretty!


Monday, April 20, 2015

US Coast Guard Armed Escort

Good morning,

I took this shot through my window covered with rain, but you can see what it is.

This is one of our US Coast Guard armed escorts as we leave Port Canaveral. 

We're happy to have them!

All the best,