Monday, March 16, 2015

On the Way to Port Canaveral

Good morning,

I'm going through images I took on our way to Port Canaveral a couple of weeks ago.  I get a kick out of this view of a causeway that we cross just before the turn off for the port.  If you look VERY carefully on the right side of this image you can see a cruise ship waaaaaay off in the distance.

I always think the road here appears to take off into the wild blue yonder.  It takes faith to drive up there at 55 mph that there will be more road on the other side. 


PS - Yes, I took the picture while My Honey was driving.  :)


  1. I like your Header shot. Nice view! I like the photo you posted as well, it almost looks like a bridge to "No Where". :)

  2. kinda gives me the heebie jeebies!


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