Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sonny's BBQ

Good morning,

I'm going through recent travel pictures again and came across this one I took at Sonny's BBQ in Viera, Florida.

If I were ANYWHERE near this place, I would be on my way there right now!




  1. i could eat that for breakfast! :)

  2. If I were near there, I think I would be going with you. Or meeting you there...this looks delicious!

  3. I wouldn't push this tasty plate away.

  4. There is a Sonny's right down the road from me with a Krispy Kreme right across the street from it. I sometimes have to pretend I have blinders on when driving past them both!

  5. oh my, that looks so good. I'm with TexWisGirl, breakfast!


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