Friday, January 9, 2015

Matched Pair - Penny and Wendy

Good morning,

We're home so the puppy pictures are all jumping into my camera once again.

Today's images were taken while My Honey and I were enjoying some cheese while working at our computers.  Wendy (left) and Penny (right) watched each and every cheese cube go into our mouths.
Of course, they got some, too.
It's so good to be home.

All the best,


  1. They do seem quite interested in you!

  2. Awww, they are both so cute.. Adorable doggies and photos.. Happy Friday!

  3. Penny and Wendy are beautiful, love 'em.

  4. What a lovely matched set! I know they're happy to have you home too. We've been dogsitting my daughter's dog for the last 10 days and she's going to be ecstatic when her "mom" gets home on Tuesday. She's one of those one-person dogs, and although I'm the designated substitute, it's just not the same.


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